hadley wickham

[DSC 4.0] What Makes a Good Function - Hadley Wickham keynote

Hadley Wickham on R vs Python

Hadley Wickham | {purrr} 1.0: A complete and consistent set of tools for functions and vectors

Hadley Wickham: Managing many models with R

Hadley Wickham - R in Production

Episode 19: Climbing the Ladder of Shiny Mastery with Hadley Wickham

Advanced R with Hadley Wickham

Hadley Wickham’s Favorite R Tidyverse Libraries

Hadley Wickham 'Data Science with R'

Hadley Wickham | State of the Tidyverse 2020 | RStudio (2020)

Journey through the tidyverse: a conversation with Hadley Wickham

Hadley Wickham | An introduction to R7 | RStudio (2022)

Hadley Wickham – “You can't do data science in a GUI”

useR! 2019 Toulouse - Talk Data Handling - Hadley Wickham

Hadley Wickham, RStudio Scientist & open source pioneer, on data, stats, & philosophy

Project workflow

Hadley Wickham interviewed at Strata 2014

Hadley Wickham's Favorite R Library

Hadley Wickham - Understanding R with lobstr

An evening with Hadley Wickham

Wes McKinney & Hadley Wickham (on cross-language collaboration, Positron, career beginnings, & more)

Whole game

What can we expect from tidyverse in 2019? - Hadley Wickham

Hadley Wickham | vctrs Tools for making size and type consistent functions | RStudio (2019)